Omaha Daily Bee from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

"MO THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10. 185r-TWELVE PAGES. 'I: .1 TjlHEE Oet II, fitamplnr Pattern to rack -X -Fenna-enlUnif attSMGspttol Anuuia. IA 65. vy.

23880 80 41....28 900 480 4 4 tIirow ornC 49 04.. ..204 M.A99 Ji WRI Oat-Dull, weak and lower: -each and tfotaMBe; November, Me; kay. Kye Dull, quiet at Harley Lower at ft. 'Timothy seed Prime. 31.

Tk yinx-oeod -tLOOuax. closing nt fl.00. Showing the highest end lowest toleefl paid for toad of hogs on thla market daring he pest seven days and for the is mo time last year: 8.4 S.H Hand ay Mil S.W UN t.V fU.M S.H 488 4 rrip. fihipmeate. Bhowlng the number of cattle, hngs nnd eheen shipped from tlie yard to-day: Iff I r.

Chicago 0 tt OAA tfsNi sSsoqo'oeossBoa aOlliVftfft T.v. B. A Nrb 9. 1191 Mound City, lfl nous. liuttfa llisitaisMMtCii A Qittstei 11m IflllliSlfl a niMIMMII All tftlMdf itoek lrithls market art wufm: per evtsllvft weight untaM oiberwlM atated.

Deed hog roll at Jtfe per 1ft far- all uretehtR hflgs weUhing Iro than IMIhR MSkligN bogs no valuR Pregnant row ate docked SOlbe and stage 80 1m. Notes. Nosheep 1r Hogs all sold. Cattle mvket steady. Light reealpta of everything.

John Bboda, Shoshone, wm here P. Bartlett, had la four toade of cattle. TfearCKMW; FxlTbnryr Nchar vtt hereleoh. Ing for feeders. Thuma Sparks, Cheyenne, wan a visitor al -the yaida today.

Mr. Harrik IYiry, wm here tooklng for feeding sbeeR Mr. Russel, Ashland, was among the vto Itore at the yards. Good many strangeriTa locklng for feed -era, but few buying. W.

BL Sprague, Beatrice, -wse-here and bought seven cars of feeders. Paxton A Busier, Chadron, had 492 bead of eittle at the yards. Mr. Hosier wm here. John Pnttenmn and J.

Brer, eouimlstton of Chicago, were tooklng around the yard today. J. W. Underhill. Thayer, Nb-, miller and stock feeder, wm here buying efock hoffltft worth of Pattern 1 SO, your ova selection.

445-M TFANJO Thoroughly and quietly taught hy J3 the Pnrtee flrotnai, the only experts ra the A porfcct tuno guaranteed every Inwa Instruction parkin MIT 0 street. MW 'IfONITtotoawatttratrbt I per cent- No tAcommlMion. L. T. Hammond, roomfiUei Douglas streot.

VOl1Ll-i toot aotk of hardware and JC agricultural ImptamaatB, a 1W location, only one other stock of sardifare bora; a naw niiioad now belay ballt to the ness in town booming. -AddraxPI, 949 THE Calirraph la the wntiajr machiao of the lif, O. W. Baker, ageai. rooms and Iron sui fTALIMTINK'H Hhort-hand Inatitnta la In fix--V-fotitiea huUdiny JW.j Thb A rent, rooau Tend It Iron Bank.

IDRAL CALIGHAPH J. W. Dakar SHI GW. BAKER'S ahorthaad school. Booms and, lies Dank, Omaha, Neb.

FOR SALK OR TRADI hand Max Mayer A Bro. piano. Will aeil for half ttfvalna. or trade for a lot In Oiaaaa Call on or ailrlraia fn. A.

Wiiaoa A OR. MIX Harney at, Omaha, Neb. Ml lERRXBKRour night aehool stano. graphy aommaneea Monday, October 11 Partial desiring to incraaaa tbalr speed can Jola our avadnoed tlanaa.Hainlon eomamaeinc at 7:14 Apply or address O. VT 1 7 sad Bank, Omaha.

Nab. sol TJiRPtOYMBNTMIoed-aalnrjr and-all-s Xipanaaa paid at beam or to travel; Mata whfch preferred: alao aatany wanted. Sloan A 'oalera Si sail ilaiy wanted Go, Maanfaoturara aad wholesale Gaorra at, Cincinnati, O. ph A. norrons buying of Do-jgUa i CO, noward.

Proa P. Q. box planted free tor Co. Nuraerlea WT-nia TPyoo daMro a rood Meaoffrepher addreaa G. i w.

Baker A Cr, room 7 aad Iron Dana. DM XjTOR KENT Square B. Mnapa, HI! lioimlaa- montaiy. A HI ORND your Calif ranks to be repaired to G. OWahor, room fund Iroa Bank.

Ml ALL kind of writing maehlnee repaired, and repairs for tbo sauna. G. W. Baker, Rooma JandAJrVo Bank. Mil IflOK RRNT Square Piano, ft monthly.

Hoapo. ISIS Pouslaa 17 IP you desire a position aa atenorraphar ait dram Baker A Ot, rooms 7 and Mron OFKN a night aebool In graphy, enramendns Monday, Oct. loul tone In school to be In session tbrno nlshts a week, as follnwi; Monday. Wodnaadaiyg and Fridays. Spoelal aUentlon given to ad vanned achnlnrt, aa alao to those oommendns the art.

Bemoan bar tho data I lot. 1L G. W. Baker, yoQma 7 aod Iron Hank. ri'Fon have a typewriter tor sale or desire to.

-puraliaaa aaa, aildrpm Koomv 7 and 8, Iron Bank. Mil FIR KENT Organs, par UHPoiuriaa. HI tTHffTIlillMliJnlr two yarn ham drsaL Fifty lota tor sale at Hah lottlil aaiih, a aaM-tanak-Ompn roparty la tha market C. B. Mhyna, Baal la kTnutCo.

ad pi JjXIB BALK- Oflaa fnrnltura, safe, trncka. eealeiWtavApplyai Juaaa acBaiMainlah. tPORlALI( Apple barrela, molaaaai bad X1 tola, half barrela and hmra. I wlU name low prleea on ear' loads diva red railroad ata-. tloaa iu i Nebraska, Waatera Iowa and astern Mlaaonrt J.

kaymour, lath and Piorea an Omaha. Nob. SIS -U70B SALE -lee in Gilbert Broa-iCouadl liiuffa. ota. Addreaa SIS TjRTttuive TT sale In tha eity.

Wa can show you aoiaa thing that win pleaiia yon If you want to buy ft R7 Mayno, Heal RMan A Truat Cih TilORSALR Paraaoe, aooond- hand, Chlleon A. furaaoo in good order and amnaed to heat flva rooms, lnqalra al No lMT Jones aL PrtcoSHk BOM TjOlt SALRA first dan hack horse and bar-X nam eomplata, AddramP BeeoHea. SHU WOK BALE Lnrra spaa at S-yeeroM mnlea Rminlra LK bunco Atwood's HSU gala barn, Ut A MU at APBW acre iotM kewpo-t. for eala at STS to" rii'art co*ck. V.

Mayna Meal Batata Trust ITIOCBkiindrelota la Orehird Hill hi the' bom six moiAia. Forty house built-and part six moiAia, Forty houaea built-and contracted tor. 101, lots still for eala allow prleea aod oa aaay tarma. ft ft Mayas, Meal Estate- -44 TilOK BALE a. H.

Oora stock, real estate X- broker, fd atory Merchants National bank building would cau attention to tho fallowing bargains: Comer lot. MO feet treat oa Virginia avenue. Ba Oak add; fLMft Three south front lot on Buidett street, Patrick. td add: fljil each. Corner tot.

aut4, Patrick's 1st add: SlOOl Two good baaiaja Iota to South Omaha. B730 KB- i Baveral choice Iota In Hanseom Placa. Lota la Kilby Ptacerom ll to SIAJOL Acre lots iaPian'S'SulMlIrtotoa, SW to $7001 Fifteen acres, three miles west from tha court hom*o, between Leavenworth and Dodge atreeta. finely locatad for platting, at IV) par aero. Choico business end rosldeae property in all pane of tha eity.

.418 APBW aero left ta Newport tor sale at STB to 864 dollars CL ft Mayna Heal Estate Trust Ool rtBCHABD HILL lota at torn S8H to TOO a tha ahaapat In tbs marfcaL Lota a are ilia beyond thorn are soiling for fsaa. ft Magnet Baal Batata A Trust ts FB BALE By M. L. Hlggtos A CD. 1803 Douglaa at, a eptoadld room aottage.

with 11 modem Improvements, aast-froot tot MxlXS, with flan largo shad trees, very rightly locatad, a bargain for SIAM eaah, bal. to suit. OOK at Mayna Plaoa If you want a nice hit Xi-wMUreea, to a good neighborhood. Mayna, Kaol Kstata Truat Co. "kBCHABD HILL lots at from U03 to 1784 are thoeheapeet la the maraet.

Lots a mile C. ft Mayna. beyond tbam are selling for $8011 Baal Batata A Trust Oo. A FEW serve left InHawport for sale at tit to MOdoUaraaaoh. ft ft! Mayno Baal Batata A Trust Oo.

VlB BALB-Ry M. Hiagins 'A Ool.180 Douglas at. a Latory 8400m house on Cats fith and Uth, for SMMOt on vary liberal TPODB pari rig montba. Forty homes bunt and son tiaeted for. 10B tots Mill for sals at tow Prtace and oa aagy tanaa-CL ft-Mayna- Baal- Batata Truat On.

I OOK at Mayna Plaoa you want a atoa lot 1 with trees, laa good neigktxirbood. C.B. May na, Beal Estate A rust Oo. UfATNRHADDITieNi-Mlr-two mUesfrom JU- Famham atreaL Fifty Iota for aato at from fin to $450 eaeh, on easy tarma Cheapest property la tho marksC CL ft Mayno, Baal Ertate A Truat Oa. P)B BALI M.

L. Higyina A Oo, 1804 Douglas aL.X 4-room bouaea I Monk from eteam, with bathsooaL water otoaot. gaa, water, all south front, for SXJOO, lUeaah pay RCHABDHILL tots nt from SS80 to fTIO are thochaapeat In tho market. Lola a Hilo bo yond them are soiling tor S8U0. a ft Mayno, BoolBriata ATrOriPE--T-g at Mama Plant If you want a atoa tot JU la a good nalghborbood.

CL ft Mayna, Heal Edate A Truat Co. XjlOR SALE By M. L. Higgins A Co, UH Douglaa ri. two new room houaas with bathroom, water eioari, aaworage, gaa aod all other modem Improvomonle.

only one bioek from atroot-eomi ah tor SKHSr-amall-oaah- pay. manL bat SH par moath. TKOCB hundred tote sold la Orchard Hill ta tha past six amotha, PNrty houaea built and ooatmried 4am 144 tote atlll tor -eala. allow grtoee and on aaay. tanas.

CL ft Mayna Heal Trurt OOK at MayaJ Plaeb you want a nl a wtth trees, In a good neighborhood. IT Mayom Baal Eebfla iruat Co. Hf AYER'S ADEtTlGN. only two miles from IU Farnham attwetJ Fifty Iota for solo at from SAB aef IMroaehi oo-easy terma ChaaiK. sat property In tho marxaL ft ft Mayno, Bool A Truat tib.

4-. A XilOBIAU X-D -By HHm A Co. lBOf irr aori rightly toeated Douglar strqne of the dwelling with am rooms to Baat 'Omaha View for 43800 on liliertl have tho iuvait Itot of real estate tor aale in the fifty Ws oan ihowyoueomo' thing that will please you If you want to bum CL ft Mayna, BeaKReam A Trait Oa. from iu gamham etmst; Fifty lots foe si fromSMtoStnwaei eat property to too Batata A Trurt Oo, from SauOto S4I4 aaeo.on aatg tarma. Cbaap-ta tho arirksLft ft fTiHB above atootdyatow ef our anmarona A aaily baigains that oaa ba aaea oa our mammoth bulletin at UM Douglaa aL M.L.

Higgins A Co. 434 IS follow lifa citttai Joe KlllarDeWItt, one of the moet snecee ful feedere In- the state, was here Inquiring for feeder and frtocker. 1 On tha market with hogs: F. Blgmen, Wert Point TTUS following were reglstewd -et the Kx-change hotel: lint Miller. David City; A.

Ralt Lake; J. H. Pace, Connell Bluffs: J. H. Btowart, Bloomington; Jnmoe lack eon i-Chlcegn; ft-W.

HoffiuaR- Gonoav dirau Lewie, Genoa; Thoa Bpnrna. Idaho; it W. UnderhUL-Weeo; Louis; John Fntteison, J. K. Byers, CluengR Tiiere Is a general feeling of uncertainty or the market on account 01 tho etrixo at the Chicago pecking houaea.

Orders have bee given to have tha Fowler Bro. end-. Upton packing houses, which ere being bnilt nerR eomtdeted by the 9Dtb lit lw present month. If possible. It Is understood that they wlll bernn to their fullest capacity, if the hogs can be bought on the mark I BHr 4 OMAHA HOLES ALB MARKETS -'v i 3 -it 1 it tIYRT RAGGED CtOSISG.

YRYflit Eads thd Week ia Bad Ooaditioii oa a Down Tub, CORN -VERY-WEAK. -AND-LOWER. Onto in Idmltod Demand and Prices Decline Prov la Iona Open Unsettled, Bnt Finally Clou Stronger Markjet Qnotntlona. ON CHICAGO WMkjfi. CmcAotk Oet.

9. Special Telegram to During. thnJknt.houc or today trading In tha wheat pit was quite but after early buyern wen- tilted np tho market gradually sank from a lack of aapport About tho only encouraging lecture was tbo tteadlnem in tho northwest. Duluth wa Vc over Ui to-day and there was some talk about increased buainess-at that xdnLjaexportlgo)unL Mot only thla, but there were fair, buying order bora early from tip north weat Ar fa tare delivery. As tho forenoon wore away buslnees-loeally heeame.Terydnucgyv.and peeuletioa the greater portion of the time waa under an average volume The expects lion ofiaigei yield jtg.KfhJn.the next government report than was estimated (a the last, and the sensational development la the pnibloi crowd were both feature that handicapped wheat from the start Fluctuations la prleea were frequent during the aee-ion, bat they were within a narrow range, being lest than ter: Tho- November- option, opened at yesterday's closing price, Jfe, and barely toaehed.

71XH73e oa a split from whieh point ihere-wasa decline to TBK0 iXemtetoBfkerTheirralliedtirTSXcHmt gradually eaaed off again to whieh was the bid at 1 oeleclL The Urm ness -during tho Iut hoar wa occasioned by a report that sixteen boat loads bad been taken In New York The' appearance of Hutehlnaon la the pit as a bidder for big jagaalso bad aativngtheu-Ing effect, but joat Before the gong sounded broken, fiuppoieil to bo aotlng for Cudahy, their hammering rams pa the market and broke price! to within a small fraction of tlw lowest point It waa a very ragged dosing for the day end week. 'Ihe latest bills tor December were 74'e and May Wife. The extreme range pakl for May waa hO'CfSi Vc. Based on yesterday's dosing prices, there waa a decline leading futures of MO. ConrttodiaedBme-to-dayr-eioeiaff-at 35Ve for November, xBG'e for December, and 40e for MaywAtMHMiuieJKe -wm touched.

by November, onlv a trade or two, however, being reported at that flgnra. The outside quotation from few for Monday were TOO ears. Tho weak nee waa largely the result of tha antidpatlon of heavy arrivals next week end to fine weather, misted, of course, by-the-nlampy-eeadiUoa Of WliCMa Oat arete In limited demand for future delivery. The fading throughout wax one of waakaewir May at 9 If a decline for the dayof Vfc. Provisions were-WCduinsettled and price dreular.

Tha market opened rather firm, declined later on rumor of the suspension of FHguaon, bnt rallied later and closed rather strong. Meee pork finally cloned at about yesterdays figures. October Qld sparingly at fote under November fignree. November was active and sojd at florae. K7)4 and closed quiet at 98.750817.

January was la good demand and mid at 99. 77O10L12X and cioaed steady at Lard ruled easy and SOlOe lower early, bnt rallied 10c end eloaed steady. October eUnged hands atikSBHO kUand closed at KfiM. November waa moderately active at and eloaed quiet at 94l9Jfk7k Ouan, 9:9) m. November wheat, TKJfe bid; privileges, 7Ufe bid.

aad 73Xe eellera. PrivUeget on November cum, SBo and CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CBicAao, Oct ,9. SpoelBl. Telegram to tho Baa.

Cattle Trade waa dull and prices about the same as Friday. The balk ol the offering nwo northern ranger and wlntered-Texana. and- ailing at 918094.10 end thareaboate, with rough and common ai low aa IM08UOL Large number of useful butchering steer are selling below 94.0k Shipping eteen, 1350 to U00 Iba, to 1300 Iba, 94.00IR 4.50; 9fi0 to 1300 lbs, 9L504.50; eows, bulla and mixed, L70MO; bulkr ik80I.aa Through Texae eattla were lABlSe lower. Ceanera were stopped on' aceount-of the strika. Western rangers were steady Miatlvee and half-breedk 9S.0U94.10; western Texans, gLWHkSOL Bales: 907 Nrimaka-Texam lliff 8, 9k 40; SB Nebraska, UNIIm, 9k 7U Mooe The fourteen regular peeking Anna itiareartR on enmmer and winter business virtually shut down to-day, locking their men out until they are willing to work ton hoar a day for ton hour pay.

Twenty -ana great pork pocking honroe are now eloaed. Bilenee retimed In' every department Nearly 8,000 hog were bought by eity batch era and slaughterers and any sort that wee good enough for eithenold nearly as high as yesterday, Bnt below this class, and especially for the ordinary inn of packing aorta, there were no fixed with'best at fikOOjt. 14; bote jMiortod Seay and PhUadelphliM. 94.40i94.flO; light prime Yorkers, 9LOO0LSO. ITNANU1AU Hew-TwteOefc 9L MoT'-d)neslL quieter at 537 per eent, closing at 5 percept eeked.

f*cki Meboantoji Paper 85 BTEEMNfl fixonANex Stead at 94.8Xf for 80 day. Mila, 94.MM for demand. -jUovxuiiu(THQavcronienKbon(Uirerq dull tna weak. Btooko Nqw-Kagland- stodenmu notieet abto4iuAhA. A.jaiOT log Jtprfoe unusual decline st which it opened ana IU wild flue-tastlons ln the first fifteen minutes.

The opening prleea allowed Irregular changes, tha diiforenero being generally from --to per eent, wlilto New Kngland wsa down S-ph cent Theprindpelactivity In the morning below the opening pried end having in the meantime touched hoth its highest and losreet points for tho day, became heavy to weak, end Beading ympethlxed to certain extent The remainder of the list Vftft cniiftllv firm anttl towaid noon, when It sagged off. The market eloaed barely firm, atoae to the lowest of tho day. 0TOCE1 ON WALL kTUIXTL Sf HO JCL A N. ll6f (L ft dtei lUM preferred 143 New 4e 19MN. x.

11V lOreron 83, 1 Pad fie Mali 54 iF.IAAI.., DnfltntiL.H 149 JP, 144 ft Itox liock L. A 18 Bt L. A Slj preferred. fl6 94 preferred 191 Texas 19 union li; fit L. A P.

19i preferred. Western Union. TT O.B. AN 1M tT IfilnoU Central: 134wlf AW If Kansas A Texas. 96 LekoBhore 9l, UAN 501i Midi.

919. 116J Noctiiorn K) PRODUCE MARKMT. Chicago, Oet A Flour Unehanredl winter wheat floor, 4Jfi04.1O; souUi-ern, 9A9094J0: Wtoeonsin, 94. AH; Micfalgaa eoifi eprlni wheat fit 4.10; MinneroU petentR 9t90t80; low graded rye flour, qnwt nt OtMtBtSO la biindd and fit 003 190 In sock. Wheat Lower: the mein Inflnenee on flr market to onus deprewlon wm the failure a prominent grain and provision honsd Tho opening wm shade easier, declined J(g" rallied Jfe, fluctuated slightly and closed nndaryerierday afternoon; October, TOJtfet November, De eember, T4Ue; May.

8c. Corn Walk, lower and 1 declined He under yeateidayi eloeiag and elocad within ff kg hand at Vr ANTED A jruod firl tor I German or Daoe'prafamd. lira A. Pratt, UN Park are. work.

No wasting. Bill WAUTKD Head eook at thaFnmou tanrant. Ilf 8 11th t. ANTED A quick-witted man who it aocus-I" tomad to deal with busi neat man: alao Addreaa J. oxpeiiooced writer.

A road Samson, 448 IS IT ANTED Toons man to loin the Now -YY -Martial Band. Addreaa D. A. Corson, lluh A Pacific au. 43MK ANTED Young man to travel; Salary fill Tv weak and oxponaea.

Mart deposit dOeaab. Saourity given-kntluh. OaU Mi onday. 1010 4JM0 ANTED Stout boy tor delivering fead and YY groceries, EMU and California ata. 8Mt i YtT ANTRD Tinners, It man A SooTilla.

MO N. lft at. 11- I7 ANTED Traveling own tor aide line email Is aara pie, good etapio article. Add rose or Dearborn, Chi BMP can tat Hoon Uv OlfOa W' ANTED Men for BlachHillseXlenslou: Oood warm and good job. Albright's Labor Ageaey, IMS Venuua.

MS WANTED Immedlatrly, a first irat-data cook at ahief aa Hl TfiTANTBIk-Seleamaa bavins a tkottnurh YY" knowledge of the -trade ha thlo aad ad dag Mates: muatbo familiar with tho aad-r and aaddlary hardware business; A irancaa required. Addreaa IT, thla often IB5 rZkTr: IV A good Stenographer at oooe, G. W. Baker rooma 7 aad Iron Bank. 848 1 earpentaru that YY stair building.

CaU at 801 are 001 Howard Hir- building. Bogwald A Pataimn. VANTED Flitt-elaaa barber. Smuty work YY had good wugea. Fetor Moyer, ntpUUoo.

Neb, BUM TX7 ANTED 7 Curpantor. Kngulra at oomar YY of Burt and Pieuaant at. P. E. Crardon at a TIT ANTED Aa experienced, live YY handle liberal com man to handle ayrupa to retail trade in Omaha, on mlaaloni Pro fas ana now handling grocers' specialties and known to tha trade Addroaa with reference 4P, care Omaha nsg Ben WANTED Agents, male or female, everywhere, tq lake orders for plating.

wnnwi IBM unim iut at once O. L. Horton, Wiota, la. Addrom Ft 14 TANTEJV A good honorable man with S8M oask.aa partner, eaa make from PIS to SBporday toovoreeo agents aad sail goods to thla atatn Aiklreee 40, Deeoftcn IS WANTED Installment eaavaeaers to call at -YY-IRff-VamamM. aad see what we bars to Hi offer.

C. Lee. Manager -TnHfilargoat in Aha world- -L to sell their roods on aalary or 0 In all towns la Netmaka. No capita! want men eommiaskm or oxporl-m required. Addroaa, box HT, Lincoln.

Nob. 71ln Heferanoe box 2S7, Omaha, or WANTED 80 men tor winter' job. Company work. bright. Labor agency, Uus Farnam at.

Good a ai-ih -HANTB3 Atow aaoroagwota toieuwduoo TT onr Antomatlo Musical Im'ru manta, on Anyone can play tbam without our Antomatlo Musical Im'rumoni lnstallinonts. Anyone os mnamal lostruotioa, tho best paying. Bailing novelty orar known. Sftto4fl a week sari bo realtxed. Cr lS87 Far -nam street, np ataira.

IUillfHV-A aalosman -to introduce a among tradoapoopla and mochan-ta Addreaa with refare noea and paat expert. enra, Box 040, Be ofllae. 487 ANTED A poatt Inn by n-young-marr-ESL 'TT lady as dining-room girl for her and hue-bands board. Addreaa fi. Be office.

4MV-IS WANTED Situation by a ffrat-claai book TT keeper, long experience a and beat of reler- Addreaa for five days 70 Be 4SM1 mom given IV ANTED Situation In a hotel by yon nr TT maa and wife of 8 year! experleiioe. Au- dreee 4, Bee ofleeu WAHTED-A ettnatlon aa driver -of express TT or dellvrry team, with a young man wall Owin' neanaiated witk handling and earn of borgeoi wiuing to work. Addreao, y. BL, room 8 Commercial bank, Omaha. 413 WANTED Situation by young lady to ears for eblldraa and sew.

Address 021 16th at. 400 10 XjtT ANTED -Sit nation wanted by you nr YY lady as milliner, eighteen mentha Rmo oHosl JW ANTED Situation as YY qulra SIS houaakaapar. Ia- WANTKD-By a flrat-olaia, temporal i TT and pastry aook (man), a good steady Xj altu- IVARTED-oalthto to Wholesnla Motw or II often by a young man of buatoefr axpor-inoe; beat of rafaranoaa. Addram 48. Baa H7 WANTED Branlng Employment by young yl man, bookkeeping or otkarwM addreaa UfANfSb-natlda a rale man, on road, to TT any line but dry goods or bardwarA, Wf Addroaa 44, Boo odloo, any good rafaranoaa, WANTED Situation aa engineer or ear of TT beating bollara.

tlxyrwir npwi good refe i oftea. ins W-T-A poaitkto a stenogmpber a rafaraneca glvsa, nddraia 14, Baa oBoaT MR 11 WABTBD By young man of years' bnal-naaa axpenanea, a poaltloB aa Mlaaauui to any line of goods, either wholaaala or rotafi; eaa furalsh AT Addreaa 8T Omaha Boa. MU TANTED- Bltnatlon aa bookkeapav av aa TT aist ant: yearaT axportenes to lumbar buafacaa. Addreaa 18. Baa qftea, MM 1M WANTKD-To runt Nov.

YY to ronma, near High SohooL Address, stating locatkm and tana, P7L WANTED-lat clam board to 1M Macs boant jar house. State price per Rack. Ad- -3kVU-. privuW fan-idera at. 414 draaa iUtaaotka WkNTKD Room and board to prlv Ily, by young maa, naor Saunders at.

4)4 -1T ANTED -'Pnfaratehed rooma. aaatrallykK YY eatod, fit light bouse kaapiiig. Address C.M. EatoarqiSSJYlthsdt TEfA NflfepanThiibacrioiulld 1 with barn for Baton. 11 B.

Uth at. IU -WANTED Desk mom, YY tarma, 41 Boo oflli Addraa. atatlng snr- WANTKD-iy TT. furnished aleove bedroom, to private with bath mhm Aoer. ato Address oflUse.

WANHMkraat Novi la Ay permanent, TT prompt paying tenant, 8 orlroomoot-tagoaot over Sadia from P.O. Addreaa HU Lake at, eity. WANTBD-rTwo rooma, aantrally located, TT ofiloa aaa: Must be eonsactsd, aad lint tor rat GiiewoU, aarr Paxton 1I7ANTK1V Ta Bent, four unfurnished moms near and north of tbo U. P. dsppi.

Ad draaa 81, Boo oOkm. WANTRD By two gentlenH to quiet YY heuaa. adjouilttg rooms with bath. Rater- Apply Mating terms, to PH, Ilea ofiaa WANTED-Sat of Nebraska Banorta. Ad-drea John A Shea, 718 Vd N.

lfthat. HIS ANTED Fbmlllea desiring their waahtoga II neatly aad qnlekly does homes addraaa 48 Baa office EE7ARTED-A house tor small family. TT 1L P. (hop. -iiSltm 7 ESS ANTED By guntlemaa aad TT ulahad room aad baud to private wife, fur-wto family.

within aih of BL Paul Depot; moaerote tarma P. It Boa ofteo. SHU WAMTE D-Arocrry daatora to take untie TV and ba tbo rat to rtart a grooavy ator at ftS lEf ANTKD Ilooats, 3 or 4, by grown poop! jlkr np Mali TT for -Ugh! houaakaoping: prol wRh another family. WANTS ABamntmg to leara abort-haad and type-writing to mood Valenttno'a Short-hand laMItuts. Exposition' building Onato Vaenn furwiah auflMont smploym ta young man aad boys pay thatr board wl yANTRli Taama T.M FHt BENT-Houm aad atabtoMr.

llth aad Vtatoa. VTAXTED-Gtris for 1 V.Hirtlter, us rm FIR RENT-1 room ad hom*o, HP N. at J.Sia per swath. SM 11 EOn rest hom*o of rooma Hth an Farnamsta. A.

P. Tukay, UiM Parnam. 417 FIB BENT No. fUN. 17tk aL.

S3BJ0; also house SM and Michigan flLStt. Ht to house, I7U Cuming ttraat, oontalnlng a ator room, 10x40, and fonr Mvmr ealixr. Appiy to Dl IX Bmeaton, ltth aad Baniqy atreeta. M. A Co.

4S8-11 OR RENT-4-room house, Sitb aad Bnquirs at JL B. Biagaalt. SU B. 18th eL 4ir 1JIOB BENT A Proom bon so, month, i a good tosnUnn, for a family of taro uer-(11 at SC ft. 18th aL, raar house, ffttl lOK KENT A turnlabed'honie of rooms on Dodge between 13th aad Ut a.

Hill rent all or In part. Apply at Cigar Store, Mt N.Uth eL SM I FOB BBNT-a 4 room bouse, blocks aoutk of 13th Btrvoc cars. Inquire of C. Rpochi, Western Corhioe Works. 174 MI TJWR RENT droom filth.

SBOpur month. pottage, Haraty near It. A. Mnaan, 1IJ Farnam at tlOB LEASE-W kava aiavon acre oa d. f.

X-B. B. track. BOO feet front jwill laaao all oa partfor tvs vaaro fiadfnnl A Bouar. HI T7KVB KENT-Flc gar.

tty fnrnmhad rooms with first-dam board at MW Jonoa SL Four bloeke ft of Parana- SL All modarn eon ran- lea eea. -4H1S XTIOB BBNT-Fartof floor far Bgbt nmnufre turing purpoaca. Cent rally locatad. Low U07 Farnam St. rcnL np stairs.

TNOK BENT Front parlor to parties wishing togudtohto Lady profaned. Afr draaa Pi 438 Uk)B BKRT-WItb hoard, newly furnished -E auita of front rooms for for 4 gonllamaa. Modem convouieaoea; raferonooi roquirsd; 838 Ptomant at. 431 11 TjlOR KENT Jfawly furaisiieX rooma at IU X.Rftoat. 4JI piOR KBNTt mat tor bousoheaptog, nt B.

lith aL, bet. Jaokaoa and Leavenworth 4WM IJYik HINT Stnal room auitabia for genii man, 189 Dodga. STOW J70R-BENT A large front room: also for oio eheopAquara roscarood duo at 1KI Variiarn (tone block west of court nouaa. to "L'OK RENT Front patlor bedroom for gcrtlcmenjlLMlnquIro 18U8 FIB BENT Furnished room tor on or two gentlemon: furniture now. pieawmtlooa-tloa; Howard at, bat Hh-aad south stdoi TOR ENT Furnished front N.

17th sL Can get board next door. 41 Ml KOH MKNT Nlady Turnlsbad front room, -AURohU What. 434 FOR RRRT-N Boor Mth aad Pierce Suita, parlor, aparau, i board, (julet house; ooa biooh from atrsef oaa. bedroom and aloaat, tagothar or nlealy furnish wl, with good table BU FIR RENT Pleasant south room npataira, fUrnlsiiod. witk board.

Pnnaually pleasant WRb- two ta room, flft per month hash. -N. R. Cor uth nd-Plaree- -an UIORRRNT Desk room. S4 par mooth, and a front weU-furnlahed ofilco, wall llgh tad, eantral ud eommoaious, til.

Apply W. fi. Baiivey, lit 14tb ab mu T7IOM BRNTrOmutortabla furnished room la ideate family; taram moderate. Addreaa 14? PHiHeoeflkier- FR couth front brick flat, booed RENT Pleasant fnmlahad rooma. ba Ml aaxtdnur.

Apply at 1414 Chleigo at. TaORHRMTwMicely fumlahelLiQom. Chicago sL 1811 FIH RENT Four rooms, pantry and dothaa pram and eaUno Koqulra ppstalra. arith pram and ref eren jo. 7Ut Booth lith at- jpOB NT ioely fur ntahed front room.

alcove and etoaot; No. IU fl X3d at, For RENT Fnmlahad a vory iUeBaant Dent room, or two rooms at ITOs North ltth float room, or two rooma at I'. L.oucar tap. oaa ba had narnrb T7IOB RRNT (too large front bod-room, furnlshod. On socommodate a tow table boordcrvflt south HI JpOB BENT Furaaoad roomk.

ISIS Dod0. RRNT unfurnlahod rooau; BUS Hod aeysL SU For rent four also nafunnahod rooma In suits, with uasof ga aad bath If desired. 18U Howard aL HP RENT Two vary desirable furnished rooms atHH SL Marys with furnace beat, bath, and every modem eoavonlonea is- wMrt fOR BENT Fnrnlsbed room with board at WS Virginia are. lit ppfl BENT A email furnished front bed room at 1111 Douglas at. FOR RENT-d nlealy furnlshad room at tha cor of Tth and Pacifle il for man and wife or gantismaa; with or wMhout board 888 IUBBBNT-Boom aad board to pnrato fUa 31 PV month.

801 Baa SHU oftca. JWRUNT fonlehad rooau tor gentle rasa 1108 Cam L- 133d RENT Fnrnlabad front rooms with flrst-dass board, HI PleaMOL HSU T7O REXT- Nio4iy furBlabad front room, 1412 Howard U. HSU TJTOR RRNT Two Urge aafamMud rooma auitabia for light housekeeping lazuli Kaufman Bros. MU foraam aL FOR KENT lea, Urge, furnished room suitable for two gentlemen. HUBL front KnyVifa- GWR RENT A large, nowty furnished front renm -wHh hoy- window; euitablator two eL 843-11 TilUB KENT Nioaly furnlshod room, X.

DougtonLi refareneoa required. MOT 118 ooa -With heard, 1SU Capitol av. 1 71 1 BENT Nlealy furnlshod front room with akxive, all modem oonvanionooa, tor three Igeutlemenr-four-hloeha directly from opora houao, apply at onuo, 1418 Jouaa H. idl pOH RENT Nicely furnished aad oomtorth iHr rodmrfnr-wlntar, with -or-wit hoot boarb ISiN Farnam SUIT XnOR-RKKT board. 1117 1JIOR RENT foroiahad rooms, parlor fori UIOB BnBK-Bult of rooms, furnished alee 1 alngli room lor geetlamea.

EB Bl Mary's are. HI 4 FOR RENT Newly famished room, Mil BL MaryP aw. fffl A FEW acraa left la Newport far aato at Kilo dollara each, ft a Mayna Baal Kfl dollar tats Trust Col fkKCHABD MILL lot at from IHOtoSIHaro the shea paat In tha market. Lots a mile beyond them are selling far SSJfi. CL Mayna, Beal Emu ATTuat On.

FOB SALE -Bart front BIOS, bargain. Caff at Two B. front loti ta I -Bart front lot to Plain View, only oaw Shinn's addition, $1,404 Bom dhole Iota la Lowe's additwa. For ahaap bouaea buy in BUby Heights. A avUaMId eubaiboa bom tor mis, aebool and street ear aceomamdotloai.

would exchange tor vacant lota or atoek of would oxebauu tor vacant lota or stock of goods. I Hammond, room SL UBDougUa ftreot. 4H-U vrsv l.qq ln Klilii Otohmd Hm ta the 4tororoHMHw HfoesmeM VraKRra Hill Ui HI pall six mnatbe. Forty honroe bnilt and contracted tor. 140 lota still tor eala at tow grtoos and on easy terms.

Ck ft Mayno, Bool 1 Trurt On. I OOK at Mi whh Ureto if yon want a nlee lot Mroignbaihood ft Mayno, Bool Briate YJ'DB BALB By M. L. Higstna A Co, 1801 Doiirlaa sL. 8-root cotta on ITth st, tor tSJOi, small sash paymoot, baLRRmoatb-ly.

why pay rant wboa you ana buy youisoif anosMtothtowayf Thero honron wBl rent for Itk XROtTB haadrsd tots sold to Omhird Hill in tho pas six mootks. forty kousos built AJ post six montba. forty ooBtrasted tor. MM Iota tor sale at low ft ft Mayna. Bari prtoaaqpdon sas Batata Tiroat Or A ATrtmlO.

toft to Newport tor sal atfn to Hk ft ft Mayno Bsal Frists THOR BABE A strisl Where grade Is established, tot sodsd and ttsoU wMbln todays HAOMt assb bataaest MR. HoraalsstsMRaaaasd AdOroaeP.t, Beeodtos. Property will be shown. 141 1P Pork Irregular; advanced H913)e, but later a weaker ferling prevslM, pclcos needed 2307 '4c, then milted 17J0e, cloning steady; cash, 9k7b: October, 4kT2q k85; November, 9t75t77)4; Jsuuary, j'fstot 1 Drellned 510e, but near the closo ruled steadier declined and recovered; eaah. etoar, abort riba, 98.7a BuitorMtood demand ereamwMLiSDiC; dairy, I8l(e; Cheese EmIpt: toll ereqm Cheddars, 11 1 blfie; de fists.

llCgliyc; young Americas, Uidee l)(ct light Ao fljjie; bull hide 5)(cl dry. ft; ifery firm: altod TkHowNot Xo. nM0tM Flour. bWe 3100 Wheat bu. 7H.000 Cora, nu 903.000 Data an ITS imn 8Kc; No, 8.

THiipmefitk 11.400 15.400 .123.000 938,1108 0,000 44,000 A Wheat WesY'and' Kye, On. Darter kOOO 9ouo "t- UeL fit. Lonta, lower; Na-fired; earii. 73c NovembeSrTSMc; December, 75Xe; May Corn nwy and ifiRKc lower; Na 9 mixed, cash. S3(e; November, U)jo asked; De- sKe: toft Onto Wmk; No.9 De- Whisky 51.1k Pork 9915a iAid Butter Fairly active bnt steady Liverpool, uew No.

9 winter, steady at new No.9 spring. stcady at 8e d. Flow Holder offer freely dull sf sfO '4C Corn Supply good; spot, steady st 4s kWd October and November, dullst 4 8d; December, easy nt 4a $Xd. -New Orleans, OcL 9. Markets quiet end nnchanzed.

nfxcdq 400 60e; y6now, wbUeb Onte Firmer at lie. Corn meal Steady. Hag Products In fair demand. Lard 9400 Bulk Meate SlumUIen, 9450; long dear and dear rib, Toledo, Oct 4 Wheat Opened week and eloaed dull and lower; eaah. Corn Dull and tower: cash, 87)fe bld.7 OatsNominal r'csslt, 96ft Manana CUy, Oet9i Wheat-Weaker; Na 9 red, eash, SBjfebld; November, flO.c bid; May, 70c.

Corn Lower; Nn, 9, eash, 2fitfe; Jfovem-her. 30c; December, file. New York. Oer. 9.

Wheat Receipts, SBftfiOfodxportei 49901- -epeM4Iel-AnL. options tower, closing hwf at inside ntestun.rsdMl red. ftriSVc; Nr red, 'e; Nr 9 red, fa elevator, (iteiMe No. 9 red elirnng at $8e. Corn Spot KAV end ootton HQXe tower, closing with reaction of jifftxefro celpte, exports, ungraded, tower end active; receipts, $4000; mixed white western, mt Firm: United, 05)t'f Kggfi Firm end in fair demand.

Pork Dull and nominoL Lsrd Opened iQjii points lower, later advanced; western steam spot, 9O.O50&O7& Bntter Quiet and unchanged. Cheese Steady but quiet Minnas polls. Oet HL Wheat Unsettled and tower: No. 1 hard, eash or October. 70c: November, Tie; December, 72ke; Na 1 October, 98e; 09c; Decemtfer, 79140; Nr 9 northern, eaeh, 08e; Novemner.

86)t December, 08k Flour Weak and tower; patents, 4.95; bakers'. Receipts Wheat, lfll.000 tm. bhipmente Wheat 50,000 bLf flour, 24 000 bblR Olnotnnatt Oet ft Wheat Weak and tower; Nr red, Corn Weak and tower; Notfi mixed, 97 f(er Onto On let; NrI Pnfk-DuU at 9ft Lanl Kasy at 9475. ty 91.14 Whisk; CllwankoR Oet 91 Wheat Week; eash, 69Me; November, tfe; December, WXR Nr 4 34. Oat Lower: Nr 4 2 2e.

Rye Dull; Nr 1, Bartoy Btcadler: Nr 4 Provisions Steady pork, November, 9475b 9480; LIVE ATOCK. Chicago, Oet ft The-Droverie-JonrenL reports as follows: Cattle Receipts, stow and nominal; shlppinr steers, 9450cqkU; Stockers andfaeden, M.UNIU0; eows, boll and mixed, 91.709kU; bulk, SkDO. DO th rough TtaMeettlRloaiSe lower, 9420H404 owing to can ners stopping on aeeonnt of tho strike: western rancors, rteady; nstlves and halt-la 9400(DtlO; wintered Texans, 9490A tales 2U7 headof Nebrsska-Texsns, 1137 lbs, 9440: 58 Nebraska, 12t lbs, 99.75. 424 Kansas City, Oct ft Cattle Receipts, ft 000; shipment, nunoj firmer but more atllvri-goMl to com man to medians. 94300490; stockem, 943591473; feeders, SlhOcfUW; eows, 91.5Bliif400; grass RptvUMOAhlDmeittft-none range Jleers, 94956 Hogs" Keneipts, active snd Apt higher; good to ehotoo, eommm to medium, 9k756flL0S.

Lonto, Ooi 9L CnttlVReoelpto, 900; hinmenfanonfi; iteady at nnebnngec -tatofee; fair toMolee nativeahlppera, fitOOfl A99; rangers am-Texans. 9400L5a 1 Hon-toHma 500; ihlpmentn, none; misetttod and irregular; butcher and ehoiee coiumonto best MUHA LIVE STOCK. Batnrday JIven Ing Oet 4 Cattle Tbo receipt were light to-day anc the nuricet quiet usual at the close of -the the week. A fa feeders changed hands but the market wm not aetiVR The demand wm very good tor eorn-fod steers but therewM only a tow head In. Hogs The fresh rseeipta were very light end everything wm etonred np early In Urn day, at a little better prleea titan on yesterday.

Sheep-Nothing doing on the market KECEIFTA Hogs. eoeeoeeoceaeeoeaeea'c 500 Prevailing Frioe. Showing tho prevailing prices paid for Uvs stock on this market Choice to 1500 Choice steer, lion to UOOIIml Medhim stoen, 1350 to 189) kDoiStU FaUIttto iteen, 1050 to 1150 Ibi 4594.00 Oood teedera, 4906495 Goodtochoiooeorfrfed cows 49UM400 Fair to medium graMoowe Good to ehoiee Dulls LOMALOO 455aH.7D Light and medium Good to ehoiee heavy hogs 47592490 Good to ehoiee mixed hogs 40064473 Good to choice mixed hogs 480gt473 Good to ehoio sheep 40004423 Fa if to good sheep 473M400 Common siiecp a87l8M8 8iM L50(fl450 Itepr itative Hal or -co*kN-FED ITKKIIS. Av. Pr.

Nr Av. 94.00 Nr 17. Pr. XTKXIta TAILING. HILL tots urromtSOO to 7m I .11 tiM eMmal ta itat RttriuC Lota ft tallo Tktflhiroarithta rot wvmgtogwywheretoomllM1309r4br- Trurt northern Mg.

eoarae native and Colorado good butchering stock. Goneral Prodao. taturday, Oct. ft" TKefoUovilnQ prtose are jw round tbte of pmbtooi HHUm Ihe -wtorfcrt tMiotf. The quotation on fruUe npneent the prion al whieh outftoe orders are flUedl Butter The receipts of tha Inforloc grades of bntter era an the increase, but ehoiee table butter continues to bn a scare article and in good demand.

There are new features In the market. Tho fame thine that wm Mid hurt week applies equally well this week. Commission nuuses ora overrun with poor batter and have hard work to cell It at any price, while there la an Increasing It with mors ears. Pains sho aid fie taken to have only one grads In a paekagt, as poor good butter packed with good aeeaasilates the whole being sold poor bottac. It to too early -to begiR-ahipping batter le boxen.

Choice nutter commands lMUq and fancy faut there is very little of that grade In the market. Fair to good ie selling sd UX gUe. and poor at Choice creamery but ter Is selling at 25r Noon1 The egg market remains steady nl last weeks quota Won Or The reoaipta are not heavy, bnt about equal to the deatnnd. Strictly (rash era are rolling at lift Poultby The receipts of poultry have been heavy the pert week, and tho market! The balk of the eld fowls thsf'i are coming ln are very light end pour. It requires very good earing ehiekeas to bring 1 940ft Hudcrtwi bare bean glutting the market with both old fowls and soring chick-ens, and by putting--priroe down 1 hnvw-eat-efr -good -dent of trade from the eommlrolon bouses.

Old fowls, eholeft per dot. 94M; old fowls, fsnny, 9450; spring ehlekMis, higo. 9400; luring chickens, fancy, 9436; spring chickens medium, fUO; spring ehlckans, small, not -wanted Wanted. Game In spite of.tim there hM been considerable game In dnriuW tha mi wm. Pooler wearttw wnttidgraeVly Improve the demena end redueeuie risk handling 14 Prairie chickens, put per aoxen: quail, 9L2SaL60; sniPR Of 61400 -tDl1 Beal Estate A Ccx ATMBS ADDITION, only two mil from Farnham riraeL Fifty Iota for aato at foomSSOOtoMO oaob.on aaaytorms.

Cfa sop-art property to tbs marksL. JL batata A Trurt Co. Mayna, -Baal To Contrition. oaa la will ba received at tha of- floa of 'tho Chief Enginaer. Union Paeiflo railway, OnmhmMobi.

tor tho grading, bridging aad track laying, aad surfacing of tt toUow-tngwork. Tbo tin from Oaklay to CMbr, In Kanins, about miles. The Hnefrom LovUland to Buekbom Itoa Quarries, to Ontorado. about 814 miles, and tho extension of tho Bahna, Idnaota A Western Ballway from Lincoln Center westward ta Kansas, to Hmtlea. ropaimlB far tho Oolbr Uno win not ro-Ivodiritor after OetoborlLk.

but propoaals for tbo othor Hnes will bo reeoivod until tha evening of October Prodto caaba toon at tho oflo Of chief ginoer for fir data previous to the day named tor dosing roeciptpf Wdm Tho right is reserved to reject any or all bU 1 ft CALLAWAT.0 amend Manager, oetd-oetlt OffT lk IfkndMn 1MS MmS 13,14 awl IS M.TO NmS 13, 14 and 14 ft. IkSO Xm Ik 14 and IS ft. IkOO nawHOat aid nawia BDIX1. 13, 14 A lfl tt, x.000 ..915.00 slL98 rxiLixo lit XJn White Pine Partition fid Com, ImNorwny Pine OaUfoTT 1400 rUNHHNfo' A filnch, white pine, 98 ATOCK noxnn. A 19 inch, sis 48 19 inch 98L50 No.

1, enra. 19 hs. Rlfii. IA ISA 1.00 No; Ik80 Na A MAH 17.00 lfl ft. 1A00 IPIRHRINfl.

1st and fid. deerHk JjitaslL fid, etoar, 1 lnckii 9 e. 950.00 4k 00 SiLeleer, ljtf, Ufila, 47 JO select, 1 fig. 19.00 ttitiiiee Bsatect, fijiti 'sHfpLAR Nr and lO'ifiets, Nr A plniftfi and 144oeh. 8k 00 917J0 lfiJfi eWHrM.m, latb.

XX deer, 91 90i A standard, 9A60; 1, 9L85; Loth, 9kfi--f PoeTa Whw- foiK) 1C I. a Lime. Era unlnar white lime (beat) 80e: ronVlhte Heir, S5e. Mlcht "to BUrnto, fite Cement (Akrotis ran plaster, 9A75L Doors, 6te Montdifign, IRfiALl Roraa I ysara old, sound, broken I kai MM to saddle and driving: alao huger and Mahoney, IMS Farnam at. WB have tha Uisaat hat of real aetata tor sale la tha alty.

Wr oan show yoa aooa- thlnf that win pleaaa yoa If you want In buy Batata A. Trust JjiORS A LK Punt Kara nod laaaa of hotal, so la building; rasa Bandall Hoaae, oentruliy loealod: rood aampla rooam, "llaatMca; Nab. 1 1 F)i SihLR Parlor Lad room and kitchen to: furniture ekrpeta, range and beat ins atovoa, annaarlyaaw.a gootla hom*o fire years old, glit a bargaia, alrlag up house kaapln ttlt SALK Larva Bro and burylar proof HaU farSSM, J. W. Mnr-.

ehali, UW Parnaiu at VBhava the laigaat llat of real aataU for II sale In tho elty. Wo eat, show you thing that wIN plnaae you If you want to buy -4VB, Mayao, Boal BMato A Trust Cp. TTHJR BALE A Sno thoroughbred goldlns, rood driver, tingle or double, Sna saddle horso for man, woman or child and kind, nix roars old, no filler. loom I Iron bonk I J. ads VOR SALE-Varaituro aad laaaa of hotel.

-X Addreaa -Aydar Houao, Stromahnrg, Nf b. ns 10 Voki Hlfc-hniiun andi home, tbaa on part. Call I ease ol Hi-room IMS North ITth atraat, two Moeka from Bad Ckrhna. Bemla. JWhaMPonriaa streets, aw lTfi kave the larpmt Hat of rail aatata for VP- sale In tka city.

Wg eaa show yoa tone thing that will pleaaa yon- tf-ynn-want to-buy, C. Mayna, Heal Batata A Truth Co. POM BALE Lamp, iron aotumaa end win-X dow oapa auitahla for front brick bulld-hp For partioulaTeappIr at thia often, ANjniDMtowiag ghrla and appraotlwrttMR ANTKD-Cood nan took 14 Wh a a -amall-famtly withewti drea, a good, neat, reliable and aompatant girl tor oook and laundry: alao another auoh girl for aooond work and plain Bowing, ire rare citoaMoai lor two brtg' Mak apaaklns airin' Aiptofti P. firs dajra. Kataraiwcs raquired.

M-H Thoao raraattnaMoaa for two brtgbk ptaia Bags: tKaoftgaj tT ANTEl-Fnur arporlcnoed 1 dtniibrroom Waged PH par month, and Danbamaa Beat Fun an a ANTRD iaimadlataiy girl tor sanaral1 Tv hsnaawnfk. aorthwvat earner Hamilton and Pier straetsi baat waao. SHI ITANTEI-flirta at WOkWa paper boxfao-II tory, mm a. uth at. ana VtfiKTltb-hMla aaaut.

For part laulars call at Omaha Banloyatant Iwreau, ns TO1 North Mth at. ARTRD-OIH tor sanaral till -Good Gorman gif wagaa, H1R llth at. H. Maaaweilar. MU WAKTBU-GIH tor housework In YY family.

Mis Seward R. SI7S TIT ANTED Middle aged or oMwoman for YY good-wagoa. 107 N. Uth sL BT Aowr, uid wuouui rar HT N. Uth.

SU yy ANTKU-A neat rirl to taka an of ebO- droa and do aooond work. Inquire Mr. M. Pnrrla, 83d and St Marys aye, SI ANTED-A cook tor ataali fkmOy, Inqulr YY ha aoutk Uth 81 WANTED icdlcs to work for oa TV wwa boom $7 to SM par weal quietly made. No phato, painting; no In.

For fug part leu lar, eaca.Orasmut.irt IS atthstr week eon bo Hex 8174. 44SOI1 WAN FEW-a girt tor YY apply at aoca at 1418 Uth. SHIM VANTKDg good disn waihrra and one or II two good waiter at Norris' restaurant; Mth at bat Dodge aad Douglas. Hit 1 WANTED flood sank, stoat Tv Kanwm at, wot door. 1908 yy ANY EU-flirt tor goneral fa; ally of two; must givorofi plyUli Vlrgiiilo tmaun Ap WANTED Ctrl tor ganstal I YY E.

Mth hot Maryana and mix saddles, peg' it nor, eereeseee, per Iftftotatt-anteiqnR-MiMhMk-llMlfieHeBto. fopR eamuwes, (H9Te; lack rabbits, per 945061100; small, per 9L0U1.2. OrsTxna The weatlier nss been most too warm to Ilnil ot Yrerr iry etef Jiawever.lrsd Is uHt or than asuaT at OiiST season, and a good many orders from the. outside are belli mi redr Mediums; file; stand ards, 80s; selects. 86c; New Yorkeonnta, 40c.

Pot ato xs Thera ere not many potatoes arririnr, and-tli msrkctls rood for ebotee-stork. Bmsll and inferior stock moves very slowly and to not wanted. Prleea remain about the -same as- hut A few Colorado end Utah potatoes have 1 arrived -and sold at Choice, shipping stock, -per bn, 5508Or wekt Pot atok The msrkei- le wefl supplied with ehoiee atoek and they Ing In faster Hina they can be hr shipping stock, per ltx, Choice lnr falrly well ln WMNS Onion ere small way. at 91.00 par bushel, bnt the demand Is lluilted. Car lota have sold this week stWOc.

91.0ft Choice stock, per bush, 9Qe Ckleuy The market la well unrolled and the demand rood. There ten wide diffnmeo In tho quality of tho stork that ta eomfng ini which le Indicated by the range in pnesR Shipping stMk.nerjlot., OfitiR Avplxs Strictly diolce apples are searosT and all sueh stocks meet! with very fair setae. Common stock ta In very liberal so at ply snd inpyro slowly. A. eAistanment of -fancy MkAirah apples ta expected id arriJf tiie firsts of the week.

Choice ebip- plngstoek and fancy stand or rating apples are In mod demand. Common stock, 9ftwM 4 23; cluiiee siilpnliif stock, 9ft5049U: fancy stand, 93.73(.60; MidUgnn. KUM( 494 HoMRonowN Guapm The market to firm at the quotations. Ihe supply ta not far nlng light and they will tattmnc'h longer. The Commas ere shoot played out end are nut earning in fort enough to supply Urn boras trade.

Shipping, stock, pec Iftsei 191b bankete, 40c. Lxmoxs Clmice, 800 site, per box 9450; Messins, 9ftT5jaiau0. Oeaxoks Tlu only changes on tha market ere Jamaica, which ere lower than last week. Jamaica, per box, 9400: per Ckaxmkjuux The market ta fairly well supplied with very ehoiee stork. Cape end, ---ftfuii Bananas Banana are rolling at abont the same as last week.

Bananas, vellow, pen bunch, 91.50643. 00; Bsnsnsa, yellow, huge bunch, 9400698.5ft Beans The market to simost etesn brans In fair request II. Navy. 9L7061L73: H. P.

Medhun: 9U9 1.05 p-JuUce clean country, 1.25(31.86; goad atesn country, inferior, 075r UU HR rtf. HGlKts MTH 44 ms. NrI WhMs Flab 7 001 ta 4HJMF3M1 SUiftol 4HMIM IttsHf BhlstQrl MB to 39 nsiti MAI IK3 IN HoOaaOhart rings, nsw. Pr. Av.

Pr. Nr 05.. 55., Av. Bhk. Pr.

..925 30 9405 ..997 949 489. Nr At. Bhk. Pr. 307 949 2485 J23 949 US 3 1 -PV M.M' towiiqiLawirt1 MiwtomJwiwraretatanin inswraertrosrt-a r.WiMft il.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.